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Sun Dried Tomatoes: Powder

Sourcing from the finest dried ripe tomatoes, our Tomato Powder is very convenient when a recipe calls for the tomato flavor, but you don’t have any in the pantry. Can be used in a variety of different sauces, soups, pasta and more.

Product Specifications

Dried Type

Sun Dried


Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Sulfites


Shipping all the world

Analytical, Chemical and Microbiological Specifications

Pesticides: Shall not exceed U.S. Government established tolerances for pesticide residues

GMO Status: Product is non-GMO

Salt: 4 – 8%

Moisture: 6 – 9%

Microbiological (Test/Tolerance Limit):

  • Standard Plate Count/g: 400,000 max

  • Yeast/g: 4,000 max

  • Mold/g: 4,000 max

Foreign Material: The product is prepared in a manner to preclude introduction of foreign or extraneous material. All products are sorted through an in-line magnet and a state-of-the-art metal detector to assure freedom from harmful extraneous material.

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