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Halves Cut

Roma-style tomatoes that are picked at the peak of ripeness, dried naturally under the sun, with salt as the preservative, using the traditional method to develop the rich flavor profile characteristic of naturally sun dried tomatoes

Product Specifications

Dried Type

Sun Dried


Sun Dried Tomatoes, Salt


Shipping all the world

Analytical, Chemical and Microbiological Specifications

Pesticides: Shall not exceed U.S. Government established tolerances for pesticide residues

GMO Status: Product is non-GMO

Salt: 4 – 8 %

Moisture: 21 – 25 %

Microbiological (Test/Tolerance Limit):

  • Standard Plate Count/g: 400,000 max

  • Yeast/g: 4,000 max

  • Mold/g: 4,000 max

  • Salmonella: Neg /g

  • Listeria : Neg /g

  • E-coli: <3 /g

Foreign Material: The product is prepared in a manner to preclude introduction of foreign or extraneous material. All products are sorted through an in-line magnet and a state-of-the-art metal detector to assure freedom from harmful extraneous material.

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